Some of you may be wondering why I took a little hiatus from real estate. Well.... here's your answer! Isn't he a cutie?! This is my son, Everett James Crossett. He's just over 3 months old, and is the absolute light of my life! I wanted to take some time to devote solely to him, so I took a few months off, but now I'm back in action! I'm so fortunate that my mom is retired, lives nearby, and is always happy to watch my little peanut when I am out with clients! I've been meeting with my first few clients since his birth over the past few weeks, and I'm happy to say that I got my first ratified contract last night! It feels good to get back to work, especially now that I have a little one to provide for. I have always loved my job, but now I do more than ever, since it allows me to be there for my son AND provide for my family financially as well. He motivates me to be both the best mother and the best real estate agent I can! If you or someone ...